Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The First Blog Post

Blogs are an interesting mode of expressing our thoughts, and sharing and discussing topics of our interest. Reading the many interesting blogs on the Internet attracts us to start one. Particularly for those of us with a passion to write. But starting to write the first blog post is a tough job. Starting with the title of the blog itself and the blog post, what idea to start with, how to put it forth, should I place an opinion, express a central idea or theme? What would attract people to read it? Several thoughts went through my mind too as I started this blog. My friend Swati Sanyal has put the thoughts of a blogger as she writers her first blog post so aptly and beautifully in her blog Picking up moments from life's cobbled way.... I could not agree with her more. I love the way she pours out her thoughts as she writes the post, makes me flow with her mood and thoughts at that moment and reflect on my own when I was starting my blog.

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